Hi, I'm Terrie Celest, I am a Soul guide, a Soul perceiver, Soul/karmic astrologer, healer, spiritual mentor and teacher, an initiate of St Germain and a crystal servant!
I live in a lovely part of Cornwall, near Liskeard, close to the Michael/Mary ley line, where the land, history and energies have welcomed me and supported and nurtured even more personal, spiritual growth. I love finding crystals in nature and seem to have a knack for it wherever I go in the world……
My own spiritual awakening began about 20 years ago. Going for a reiki session led me to learning reiki, then crystals and astrology came into my life, and more modalities and gifted teachers have added to the mix and my learnings since. More recently, learning Sound healing has added this pure vibrational form of energy work to my tool bag. Most recently I have undertaken an intensive apprenticeship with St Germain and I bring the Soul alchemy energies of the 7th, Violet Ray into much of my work.
Somewhere along my path, my latent psychic abilities began to open and blossom and are now the core of who I am and what I do and have helped me to read astrology charts from a Soul perspective. I continue to explore and evolve personally, and share some of my experiences through my astrological insights and blogs, hopefully helping others to better understand themselves and their own experiences.
I have been assisting crystals to go around the world (a crystal servant!) via my online shop for about 10 years and this has evolved beyond my wildest imaginings. I am surrounded by crystals in my home and on the land around me, what a blessing!
I am passionate about helping people on their spiritual journey of self-discovery, to gain a better understanding of themselves and why they are here, and to fulfil the potential of this incarnation. Yes, we came to learn, to grow spiritually, but we also came to find joy, and easing ourselves of some of our earthly burdens opens our hearts to fun, love and joy. And every time I help someone, I learn more too!
Thank you for your interest in my ‘work’, if this resonates with you, please get in touch to see how we can work together, whether that be through a consultation, healing, mentoring or spiritual guidance. Whether we meet or not, I wish you joy and laughter on your path.
Brightest blessings
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